Saturday, September 6, 2014

Last Night in Munich

I'm a bit of nervous wreck as I drive my car out of the cavernous showroom in which my car was delivered to us.  One time around for a "victory lap" then down the ramp and into the Munich evening.  I try and remember how I did it in Greece in a little car with 4 crazy sisters in tow. "No Problem" keeps popping up in my head, so I'll just go with the flow.  Everything will be fine, I relax a little bit.  For now it's just like driving at home, but we are both a bit excited about driving on the autobahn.  We found our way back to the hotel with no problem.  We took the long route, racking up a whopping 10 miles on the odometer.  We find the best parking spot in the lot as I'm not ready for the first "door ding" yet and we are not about to drive downtown so it's off to the train station we go. We get on the train like old pros and are at that Marienplatz in no time.

It's been a very long day and it has been recommended that we find the Nurembeger Brat Haus  to satisfy the need for yet another sausage and beer. I'm glad we have a destination as I'm not in the mood to  have to make any decisions.  And we do just that. The weather is beautiful for sitting outside on the Plaza to enjoy a fine meal and to watch all the interesting people. 

It is a short night and back to the hotel we go.   We check on the car one last time before we go up to our room, no dings so far.   

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