Thursday, September 4, 2014

PDX Prepare for takeoff

Finally the day for departure has arrived.  We are more than ready, but not necessarily looking forward to the long flight ahead.  We have a brief layover in Amsterdam then off to Munich.  If all goes well we are scheduled to land at around 11.00 am Wednesday September 3rd. 

I have packed a few snacks because I have learned from past experience to never get caught empty handed. We have our books, I pads, laptops and crossword puzzles to keep us occupied on the journey.  I plan to practice a few German phrases from my dictionary and hopefully get a little bit of sleep as well.  Sounds good......" Ladies and gentleman thank you for choosing Delta, prepare for takeoff."

1 comment:

  1. the last time I read your blog was when you did your sisters trip all over Greece. Oh wait, that was the last time you wrote a blog!!!!! bwahahaha
